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Bomber Girl - Rides and Places

And oh ya.... burned some dogs
Went Mann’s creek.. great reservoir out of Wieser Idaho... back yard close country.. 15 mins and you are unloading to ride over mtn to get to here...
This was the saddest stop... last one before heading to the truck to load up. 100 mile loop most of the crew was low gas by the time we got to the trucks
October 27th we did another ride up Jenkins creek... great friend was our tour guide. We hit some areas not even on the maps.. i was with a group of great friends, I think 9 Buggies....
The mtn top had an amazing view .. it sure made my butt pucker up that high and turning around to go back down
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We planned to head to an area with old mines but the weather turned bad. Side ways blowing snow and rain. WHAT EVER..but couple of the group were open cabs ... we had to head back for those pussies
Nov, 17th it has been a year since my first ride . This is the event I did it at... this year more Buggies, vendors, food wagons, and a band. Hooked up with friends and met some new ones.
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