I have had many many rzr's. I currently have a Turbo S, RS1 and a Xpedition XP 2 door. Only my Turbo S burns a little every 400-500 miles. I usually burn about a 1/3rd of a quart. The turbo has 3k miles since I rebuilt it. The engine has 18500 miles. The machine has 21k. I bought it at 6k. Neither my RS1 or the Xpedition burn any oil I've noticed. I check my oil before I am going to ride religiously. I installed an oil pressure gauge on the Turbo S and plan to do the same to the Xpedition.
I just bought the Xp. Had 472 miles on the clock I have put about 600 on it the past week and a half. The oil level has not diminished noticeably. I will say I think an oil pressure gauge to be crucial. These units apparently are blowing up engines from the other threads around 2000 miles. Although they mostly seem to be Northstars. Some oil in your intake is normal because the crankcase vents to it. There is always some residual oil mist in the engine, but if its enough that you are using a quart every 1000 milesish I would call that excessive.
My background is in aviation as a A&P 20 years. I have always done all my own mx on my utvs. I have had many many polaris's and one Talon. The only issue I have with my Xp is the rattling driveshaft at the slip yoke forward of the center carrier bearing. I haven't found a company making a solid one yet.
The oil pressure gauge I used was just a bog standard electronic sending unit automotive one from amazon. There is a plug on the engine Rh side Forward just above the stator cover. I will say I haven't worked out the adapters for the Xp yet as the plug is huge! Way bigger than the Turbo S. I actually think I might buy another plug and drill and tap it for the sender.
This is just my opinion. I would be watching your engine closely. An oil pressure gauge could help save you from a costly repair. An engine is much easier to rebuild if it hasn't come totally apart first. I have not a clue why Polaris doesn't have them standard. Blows me away. As for oil pressure, my Turbo S idles at 20psi. 5k cruise its at about 50-55. and 6500 its around 60-65. Infact the oil pressure tells me when to change the oil. When it starts idling at 18-19 psi, she gets fresh.