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Oil leak

I did the weights before they came out with an answer.....it does make a difference!
Good to hear
He told me the owner replaced them on his own XP5 before leaving on his hunt, returning yesterday and saying it made about a 25% reduction in engine noise at lower speeds and he did not notice a difference in the performance.
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Goof to hear
He told me the owner replaced them on his own XP5 before leaving on his hunt, returning yesterday and saying it made about a 25% reduction in engine noise at lower speeds and he did not notice a difference in the performance.
Some 3/4" stall mats from Tractor Supply, custom cut and sound deadener helps quite a bit too. That engine noise gets in between the skid plate and floor and echoes more than you think. Sound deadener on the rear firewall will help a lot. I did a double layer of it on the outside and a layer behind the seats inside.
Some 3/4" stall mats from Tractor Supply, custom cut and sound deadener helps quite a bit too. That engine noise gets in between the skid plate and floor and echoes more than you think. Sound deadener on the rear firewall will help a lot. I did a double layer of it on the outside and a layer behind the seats in
I think I've covered all that, and that alone has made a noticeable
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