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Limp mode when accelerating in Sport Mode

Mine would go into limp mode the same way. I found that I could feather the throttle and make it go away. Eventually found that I had a leaking crank seal blowing oil all over the primary and belt. Didn’t know that was the cause until I got it fixed and it never came back.
It sounds like they checked my clutch on the first service visit. Unit is back in the shop this week. Hoping to know more soon. Thanks.
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unreal. I cannot get mine to do it again (not sure if that's good or bad). Is there an ODB2 port on these machines?
They don’t have OBD2 but they do have a diagnostic port under the dash, below the key switch. They do have basic diagnostic information in the ride command under: Settings>All settings> Vehicle>Diagnostics.

If it’s not doing it anymore, I wouldn’t worry about it 🤷‍♂️
I went a couple weeks without the issue showing up and then... I was moving from my rental house to my new house and took the XP on the 45mph roads. Of course, as soon as I hit 45mph it went into limp mode. Pretty brutal to only be able to drive 35 mph in 45mph zone.

I called the dealer and they said to bring it in. Before I brought it in (the night before) I took it out and could replicate the issue EVERY time. Drive ~35mph, accelerate to +45mph and it would fall into limp mode. Every time. Dropped it off at the dealer last week and they couldn't reproduce the issue. I went down there today to drive it and see if I could do it. Of course it wouldn't. They said there were 24 P150A errors thrown on my machine so at least they knew I wasn't lying. They said they would call Polaris and see what they recommend to do for this issue and just follow what they say even though they couldn't reproduce it. We will see.

Everything I read says it is either the brake sensor or the brake pressure switch. What baffles me is why it only does it sometimes (and usually when the dealer is not around). Maybe when it accelerates it applies pressure to something causing it to think the brake is being applied? Anyways, I'll update the post with what they decide to do.
Thanks GD. Let me know how it goes if you don't mind.
Sorry for not responding earlier. The dealer replaced the brake switch and it’s been fine since. Be careful with boots on. I was told that if your foot hits the gas and break simultaneous it can go into limp mode too.
Sorry for not responding earlier. The dealer replaced the brake switch and it’s been fine since. Be careful with boots on. I was told that if your foot hits the gas and break simultaneous it can go into limp mode too.
Thanks for the reply. My dealer had it for a week and couldn't repro it. I even went down there to try and repro it with them and couldn't. They opened a ticket with Polaris and they said it could be many things but didn't say one way or another. I got it back last week and haven't been able to repro it. And yes on the boots. That's the error it was throwing for me (P150A - Accelerator and Brake are being pressed simultaneously). But I wasn't hitting the brakes and the gas. Anyways, I'll keep monitoring and bring it back in if it happens again. I saw that replacing the brake switch doesn't look to onerous if I have to do it myself.
I just took my XP out and put it in Sport Mode and accelerated hard and the check engine light flashed around 40 mph and it went into limp mode. When I took my foot off the gas, the light went away and limp mode went away. I tried the same thing in comf and standard mode and that did not happen. I tried again in Sport mode and the same thing happened. Is this something I need to get checked? I only have 250 miles and a couple months on it.
Are you getting misfire codes along with the engine light?
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