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DRT rear bumper

Does the bumper block much of the camera view? Like the hitch area?
The DRT rear bumper does block quite a bit of the rear camera view area. The bar on the ground is 33” from the hitch receiver.
Thanks for the pic. It would be nice if someone built one with a camera in mind. I like seeing the hitch. Bumper looks great though.
Agreed! Being able to see the hitch and tires is highly important. DRT could do a little fix by cutting a camera hole in the bumper and then it’d take a bit of wire re-routing, or at least shorten the bumper stick-out.
Question. Did anyone hook up the lights to the DRT rear bumper? Is there an easy way to do it? Thanks
On the one I installed, I did hook up the lights in it. How easy it was is a little subjective 😂
For me, it was relatively easy. I wired in a switch and relay off the busbar and ran wires back to the bumper.
If you’re wondering if there’s a plug and play option… not that I’m aware of.
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