Radio Communication help


New member
Dec 9, 2023
I have always run SENA communication in my helmet along with my friends when we ride. In the Xpedition, I won't always wear a helmet. I was curious if any of the radio manufacturers had a system that would pair to the factory radio using the factory speakers and also communicate with a Sena system. I emailed Sena to see if the system worked with any CB radios and hadn't heard back.

We use Cardo Packtalk bold headsets. Can control music in headset from ride command screen or can switch and have music play over vehicle speakers. Allows coms with other group riders or in vehicle passengers and units can pop out of headset and pop onto helmet. This works great for my 9 year old - he wears headset in Xpedition and a helmet in his Rzr200 we can just switch Packtalk unit between the two and still have all communication.

My only gripe with our Cardo stuff is the Bluetooth between phone and vehicle can get buggy and you have to learn all the idiosyncrasies between the connections to sort it out. Sometimes it makes me want to chuck the headset out the window and drive off but when it’s all working right it’s really slick. And I don’t have wires everywhere.
We use Cardo Packtalk bold headsets. Can control music in headset from ride command screen or can switch and have music play over vehicle speakers. Allows coms with other group riders or in vehicle passengers and units can pop out of headset and pop onto helmet. This works great for my 9 year old - he wears headset in Xpedition and a helmet in his Rzr200 we can just switch Packtalk unit between the two and still have all communication.

My only gripe with our Cardo stuff is the Bluetooth between phone and vehicle can get buggy and you have to learn all the idiosyncrasies between the connections to sort it out. Sometimes it makes me want to chuck the headset out the window and drive off but when it’s all working right it’s really slick. And I don’t have wires everywhere.
Thanks, I was hoping to get by without a headset but that may not be an option
Integration between radio (constrained by regulation and having evolved from a broad spectrum of frequency dedication), cell, ride command / no api), proprietary / non open architecture Some describe it as a mess others as a melting pot of I'll aligned Hodge-podge of electronic, computer, and communication technology. The offroad community including manufactures and other subsets of interest are being forced to implement interface solutions on the hardware, communication and application layers. At this point thank God for Bluetooth, industry standards like usb c. Relative to headphones, I use Sena because it has a relatively good Bluetooth implementation. Terrible hard wired usb like implementation. Polaris needs to set a firm architecture direction with ride command and allow others apps to interact with it. they are a mechanical equipment company, not radio, not software, not hardware, not digital communications not a GPS , etc.. It seems clear that the cell phone is a common hub today, serving in a hub spoke architecture with the rest of the mess. A peer to peer architecture may never be possible? Adopt some industry standards and focus back on the core business. Symptoms of the problem are glaringly apparent by taking a look at the dash on a typical off road rig == ride command + cell phone + radio + tablet .. Holy Shit ... what a free-for-all. Polaris needs to lead the way. My rant for the day ... and we consumers are paying for the mess and still searching for that one component/ holy Grail that's going to best meet our individual needs.
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