Sand tires


Active member
Sep 5, 2023
For you experienced duners out there, curious what tires you would run in the sand on your Xpedition. Something like the ss360 all around or a true paddle on the rear?
That is the tire I had in mind also, high flotation and small paddles. Theses machines are too heavy and not enough power to run in big dunes. I've seen a few 4 door X's recently at Glamis, but they were in smaller dunes or sand highways. I will take mine to Glamis at some point, but I won't venture in to anything where I can't keep up my momentum to safely cruise in the smaller stuff.
I have experience with both the SS360 and paddles on both my X3 and Xpedition. Glamis and Idaho. IMHO, the SS360 is way to go. An added benefit to the SS360 is the hard pack compatibility. I have hundreds of miles of asphalt/dirt and they appear unaffected.
Do you have any pictures of your Xpedition with said SS360s? I'm always a sucker for photos of a good dune setup! :cool:

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