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Maine riders weight issue


New member
May 22, 2024
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so i bought my 2 seater xp northstar last year got it registered rode 2300 miles. i just recieved a letter from the state of maine saying my machine is over weight and can not be registered again in the state of maine. Keep in mind i had no idea or was advised about any weight law from the state of maine. Dealers and town offices was supposed to be telling people about this law that you may not get this registered. I'm leaving dealers out of this, i believe this is more a state and town issue more than anything. The state was supposed to inform towns about this law and not to register any machine over 2000 pounds. Also keep in mind i guess this law has been affective since 2021. There is alot of 21 and newer machines registered in the state that are over 2000 pounds. Thats going to put alot of people pissed off having spent 28 to 43k dollars for machines that now can only be ridding on there own land. Question is do we legaly have a fighting chance to fight this issue. The state has been approuched to raise it to 2500 pounds unsure if this will get passed.
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