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Adventure/ State thread


Jul 28, 2024
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I feel like we should have a sub forum added that you can add your adventure to the state. Share your trail, pics and info to the trail in the state you explore making it easier for others to learn about an area or ride they may want to explore. Could include polaris ride command maps or other GPS maps to help people in the state as the travel threw. Maybe I'm alone on this but it would be nice to see new areas as I plan vacation to new states to ride in. What you guys think?
I feel like we should have a sub forum added that you can add your adventure to the state. Share your trail, pics and info to the trail in the state you explore making it easier for others to learn about an area or ride they may want to explore. Could include polaris ride command maps or other GPS maps to help people in the state as the travel threw. Maybe I'm alone on this but it would be nice to see new areas as I plan vacation to new states to ride in. What you guys think?
I live in Lakeview, Oregon and it is legal to ride off road machines on the roads in town and in the mountains. Hundreds of miles of riding right from my house. It is 100 hundred miles to the nearest town .
High Country Unlimited

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